A Thousand Years Violin Cover and Violin Sheet Music


Are you looking for A Thousand Years Violin Cover and violin music sheet so you can play on your violin? A Thousand Years is a famous love song by Christina Perri, and has been played widely, almost everywhere in the world. As it is a song, it is usually sung out. However, you can play it out on the violin too!


A Thousand Years Violin Cover

If you want to listen to how A Thousand Years Violin Cover sounds like, then the video below is for you. The violin cover is recorded in 2012 and has been watched over 15,000 times. The video is uploaded onto Youtube, titled ” A Thousand Years Violin Cover “. Hope you enjoy the cover!


A Thousand Years Violin Music Sheet

So you have watched how the song is played on the violin. Now, you must be thinking, hey! I want to play on my violin too! But I don’t know the notes!

Fret not! I have attached the Violin Sheet Music of the song below. However, note that the A Thousand Years violin sheet music is not exactly the same as what you have seen in the violin cover above. In the violin cover, Marcus improvised some of the music himself, by ear. Hence, some notes he played are not reflected in the music sheet.

Don’t worry, the music sheet covers the melody of the song. And you can do your own improvisation too!

Click on the link below, or the image, and download the violin music sheet!

Note: I do not own the rights of this music sheet.

Christina Perri A Thousand Years Violin Music Sheet

If you like what you’ve downloaded, can you kindly share this page with others too? Happiness shared is happiness doubled. I look forward to you playing the violin cover of A Thousand Years!



Any Questions on A Thousand Years Violin?

Have any questions regarding playing of the song? Type into the comments below and I will help you as much as I can!

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