Pirastro Chromcor Violin Strings Review


Pirastro Chromcor violin strings are one of the lowest priced strings in the market. They are popular among professionals and students alike.


Pirastro-Chromcor-Violin-StringsAbout Pirastro Chromcor Violin Strings

Pirastro Chromcor violin strings are steel core strings, and hence they cost so inexpensively. However, a low price doesn’t mean that they are low quality strings. On the contrary, they have bright, clear and clean sound, which make them very popular among musicians in Europe. Pirastro Chromcor strings also suit violinists who play jazzfusionnew age or bluegrass music.

Violin teachers also chose Pirastro Chromcor violin strings for their students because of its durability and easy playabilitySmall beginner violins works well with Pirastro Chromcor too. Furthermore, they are moderately priced.

A Pirastro Chromcor string set is also used as an extra set for most violinists.


Buying Pirastro Chromcor Violin Strings

Pirastro Chromcor strings come in different lengths which can suit almost all sizes of violins, from 1/32 to 4/4 sized violins.

As with the low price of Pirastro Chromcor strings, you can get even more discounts by buying them online.


Pirastro Chromcor 4/4 Violin String Set

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