Pirastro Wondertone Solo Violin Strings Review

Pirastro Wondertone Solo Violin Strings are synthetic core strings, and is said to posses the best qualities of other Pirastro’s top performers – Evah Pirazzi, Obligato and Violino.
About Pirastro Wondertone Solo Violin Strings
Pirastro Wondertone Solo violin strings come as a unique brand of strings which offers excellent versatility and outstanding playing characteristics. Its core is made from a modified synthetic fiber.
What makes the Pirastro Wondertone Solo violin strings popular to violinists, is its direct and focused sound, along with a brilliant and clear tone. It’s almost-zero break-in time allows the strings to perform to its full potential one its fixed onto the violin. The strings are also resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.
The Pirastro Wondertone Solo Violin Strings set is also a well-balanced set, and might not need any replacement of any strings. In the original set, you will find
– Silvery Steel E string
– Aluminium A string
– Silver D string
– Silver G string
There is another make for the A and E strings. You can buy them separately.
You can opt for the Steel/Aluminum A string which produces a brilliant and concise sound, and allows a smooth transition to the E-string.
The Advanced Steel E string gives you a warm sound with no metallic edge (no whistling).
Buying Pirastro Wondertone Solo Violin Strings
Pirastro Wondertone Solo violin strings come in 4/4 violin sizes only. You can purchase a full set of Pirastro Wondertone Solo violin strings, along with the two other makes of A and E strings. Get cheap deals and discounts by shopping online too!